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Friday, July 3, 2009

H.R. 413 - Another Union Payback?


Yet another misnamed, blatant attempt to payoff the labor unions for the vast amounts of money "donated" to corrupt labor friendly politicos. The bill would force municipalities and special districts to recognize and negotiate with a police or fire department union.

Forget states rights and any concept of home rule. Forget that the people who pay the bills, the local taxpayers, might like a say in how their money is spent. Forget that these public service employees already have a valid employment contract, willingly signed, and that in many cases the voters approve unionization if asked.

Nope, not enough according to the unions desperate for new members. We need a federal law because the people might not agree with us. Very democratic!

Hopefully this abomination will die in committee and we'll see another payback quashed.

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