If I'm ever sued, this site will go up for sale for the amount of damages sought, along with posting any documents I receive. If you think you can copyright a letter you send to me, go for it.
I'm still learning about blog design and I've found a problem when viewing this blog. It does not behave properly in small browser windows and if your display resolution is less than 1280 pixels wide and/or you are viewing the blog in a window less than 980 pixels blog wide, the right side bar is pushed below any visible post. I've searched the web and looked at the code for hours but can't find the problem. My next step, when I get the time, is to recreate the blog with a new template. Advice is appreciated.

Sunday, March 8, 2009


Click on the title of this post to view to see the ATU Local 1001 By-Laws. The by-laws are a .pdf (Adobe) file so you must have a reader installed. If you don't have ADOBE Reader, you should be asked if you want to download the (free) Reader.

If you read my posts and have the feeling that I'm spending a lot of time criticizing the union, you're right. I have some major issues with the company but everyone I've dealt with has been civil. I sorry to say I don't feel that way when it comes to the union. What is particularly galling is that the members pay the officer salaries and in a previous life, I fired people for incompetence who did their jobs better that I think some of the officers have done theirs.

Off my soapbox. I was asked how much we pay the officers and you can dig it out but I'll save you the trouble. The applicable parts of the by-laws are in this post.



The following abbreviations shall have the following meaning when used in these By-Laws:

P&BA President and Business Agent
VP Vice President
RS&C Recording Secretary and Correspondent
FST & ABA Financial Secretary Treasurer and Assistant Business Agent
CS Chief Steward
W Warden
EB Executive Board
RTD Regional Transportation District or successors


Pay Scales and Benefits

The monthly compensation of the Officers and EB Members shall be as follows:

The hourly rate to be paid under this section shall be the higher of the employer’s top operator
rate, or the top rate in effect for the Occupational Group from which the Member comes,
together with all subsequent wage increases.

Expenses for out-of-town travel are covered in Section 22.

The P&BA, FST & ABA, and RS&C are full-time Officers who shall receive the same fringe benefits as any other full-time Union employee, as provided by their respective employers.

The P&BA shall be paid 260 hours per month, plus $150 per month to cover job-related car

The FST & ABA shall be paid 220 hours per month, plus $150 per month to cover job-related car expenses.

The RS&C shall be paid 203.5 hours per month.

The VP shall be paid 25 hours per month.

Each CS shall be paid 25 hours per month.

Any Warden shall be paid 2 hours per month.

Each Steward shall be paid a rate determined by the EB, subject to approval of the Membership.

All the salaries established above and services performed from the 1st to the 15th inclusive of the calendar month shall be paid on the 16h of the month. All salaries and services performed from the 16th to the last day inclusive of the calendar month shall be paid on the first day of the succeeding month, except when the above-named paydays occur on Saturday, Sunday and legal holidays; in such an event, the last working day preceding these listed exceptions shall constitute the regular payday.

The P&BA, the FST & ABA, and the RS&C shall be credited with sick leave in the same amount that Members are credited with sick leave under that Officer’s applicable Collective Bargaining Agreement. In the event that sick leave entitlement is exhausted for whatever reason, the Officer also shall be entitled to sick leave in an amount equal to unused sick leave accumulated while an active employee, until the maximum number of days of sick leave allowable under the Collective Bargaining Agreement have been received. In determining the number of sick days allowed, both sick leave earned as an Officer of the Union and sick leave earned and unused while employed [at their respective employer] will be counted.



Compensation for the EB shall be lost time, except will not exceed ten (10) hours on days that the EB meeting is held. When any Officer fills in during the absence of the President, he/she shall receive the current top rate for the Occupational Group from which the Officer comes, based on a ten (10) hour day, plus $6.10 per day for car expenses.

The expense of any Officer on out-of-town trips or missions for the Local, authorized by the EB, shall be paid by the Local.

The expenses mentioned above shall include transportation, meals, lodging and lost wages.

Any Member who is required to lay off his/her regular duties to work for the Local, or any Member who performs work for the Local, shall be paid his/her regular rate for such lost time.

No double payments will be made to any Officer or Member of this Local.

When the P&BA or RS&C, and FST & ABA are off sick, they will receive pay based on eight (8) hours for each day off. Also, car expenses will not be paid.

When an Officer (excluding the P&BA) is required to attend both of the regular monthly night meetings in any month, he/she shall be paid three (3) hours.

The Contract Negotiation Committee and team will be paid ten (10) hours a day plus one (1) meal allowance.



The Officers and the EB Members shall be granted an annual vacation equal to the one granted by his/her employer for the current year involved.

The P&BA, the RS&C, and the FST & ABA shall receive their salary for the weeks of their vacation as established by their seniority with the Employer.

The VP and CS’s shall receive their regular salary when on vacation from their employer.



Delegates to conventions shall be paid their regular salary plus the following: transportation (based on coach-class jet service where available) and all necessary expenses incurred and such compensation as the EB may determine. A delegate shall be allowed the actual number of days required to go to the convention, attend the convention and return home. The travel time each way shall be based on the shortest airline travel time. Any delegate may drive his/her car if he/she so desires, but the maximum car expense will be equal to the cost of the airline ticket plus his/her regular salary for the number of days required based on flight time each way.

The P&BA and FST & ABA shall, by virtue of their offices, be the number 1 and 2 delegates, respectively, to all conventions, and the election ballots shall so state.

The EB may determine to pay expenses for fewer than the full contingent of delegates to Amalgamated Transit Union conventions, except that such expenses shall be paid first for the number 1 delegate, then for the number 2 delegate, and so forth.

The EB shall select all delegates to other sorts of conventions and meetings (i.e., the Colorado AFL-CIO, Central Labor Councils, or organizations other than the Amalgamated Transit Union).

Lets do a little math and see what the rough figures are:

The top salary for an RTD driver is $19.85 under the current RTD CBA. I'll make a couple of assumptions about our three full time officers because the by-laws, like the CBA, are skimpy on details and I don't know how much time each of the officers have with RTD.

My assumptions are that each of the three have between 20 & 28 years of RTD service & would receive 5 weeks of vacation under the CBA and that they receive time and a half for all hours over 40 per week. If I'm incorrect, then I welcome corrections. Additionally, the three officers receive the same benefits package they would get if still workin for RTD. There are other "perks" as defined in the by-laws

Holman Carter

5 weeks (200 hours) vacation per year @ $19.85 = $3,970.
47 weeks (1880 hours) per year @ 19.85 = $37,318
880 hours of overtime @ $29.77 = $26, 197
Car Allowance = $1,800
$ 69, 285

Julio Rivera

5 weeks vacation per year @ $19.85 = $3,970
47 weeks @ $19.85 = $37,310
440 hours of overtime @ $29.77 = $13,098
Car Allowance = $1,800

Rudy Trujillo

5 weeks vacation per year @ $19.85 = $3,970
47 weeks @ $19.85 = $37,310
259 hours of overtime @ $29.77 = $7,710

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