If I'm ever sued, this site will go up for sale for the amount of damages sought, along with posting any documents I receive. If you think you can copyright a letter you send to me, go for it.
I'm still learning about blog design and I've found a problem when viewing this blog. It does not behave properly in small browser windows and if your display resolution is less than 1280 pixels wide and/or you are viewing the blog in a window less than 980 pixels blog wide, the right side bar is pushed below any visible post. I've searched the web and looked at the code for hours but can't find the problem. My next step, when I get the time, is to recreate the blog with a new template. Advice is appreciated.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

The Labor Management Reporting and Disclosure Act

The Labor Management Reporting and Disclosure Act (LMRDA)

Fiduciary Duties

Under Title V, union representatives are obligated to manage union business for the sole benefit of the members. Individuals who violate their fiduciary duty may be sued in federal court.


Members who wish to sue union officials for violation of the fiduciary duty provisions must first request that the union itself take action. If the union does not take action within a reasonable period of time, the members may request permission of the court to sue.

I already have links to The Association For Union Democracy home and LMRDA pages and I think it's time to take a closer look at what LMRDA allows. So many potential lawsuits, so little time!

I have requested that the local cooperate with me and I've come to the following conclusion:

Either I'm not being taken seriously or someone thinks they have something to hide. I honestly don't know which but it no longer matters. I faxed ATU International a letter (posted) asking that they "investigate" the local's financial affairs and supply the information I require.

Four months is considered a "reasonable" period of time so we'll see what happens between now and the end of July.

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