If I'm ever sued, this site will go up for sale for the amount of damages sought, along with posting any documents I receive. If you think you can copyright a letter you send to me, go for it.
I'm still learning about blog design and I've found a problem when viewing this blog. It does not behave properly in small browser windows and if your display resolution is less than 1280 pixels wide and/or you are viewing the blog in a window less than 980 pixels blog wide, the right side bar is pushed below any visible post. I've searched the web and looked at the code for hours but can't find the problem. My next step, when I get the time, is to recreate the blog with a new template. Advice is appreciated.

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Obama Says Teamsters Need Less Oversight

Just came across this article in the Wall Street Journal dated May 5th, 2008.

President Obama, SHAME ON YOU!

Just based on the success DOL ESA had in 2008, ferreting out union corruption, I'd vote for MORE not LESS.

I suppose, based on the history of the Teamsters and perhaps wanting to carry on the "family tradition", they would have an objection but if you have nothing to hide, what's the problem? I know, it's those pesky forms that have to be filed every year. Just extra work and costs the members money. Besides, the Teamsters would never loan member pension funds to the mob. Oops, wait - I think they already did that.

Message from International President Warren S. George

"So Larry, why are you doing this? Most people don't care and the few that do, either get pissed or laugh at you" I was asked the question (not from Mr. George :-) and I'd like to answer it.

Let's see: Because I can and I think someone needs to. There are already a few cries in the dark and one more might help a little.

I'm scared to death, not for me but for my daughter, grandkids and all the other Americans who have to get up and go to work everyday to keep a roof and food on the table. I honestly believe that if I'm still around in five years, I'll be very disappointed in what America looks like. I have no particular expertise and certainly no great insight but I get up every morning (so far :-), scan the news and can't help but have the feeling that the stage is being set for the perfect storm.

Mr. George states:

"Now we are confronted with a different kind of crisis.  I’m referring to the massive recession which is choking off the funding our systems need to keep rolling. At least 50 ATU properties
(see page 21) are facing service cuts and fare hikes. Layoffs of our members have begun in several cities."

Sir, I agree  there is a crisis but I ask "Is it possible that ATU and it's 257 LU's contribute to that crisis?"

I'm only "picking on" ATU because it's the only union I've ever belonged to and I have a pretty sour taste in my mouth. "What the hell did I pay dues for?" It certainly wasn't to have the union fight for my job. I was told "It's none of our business" when I was fired. 

Today we venture into Oregon and take a look at how ATU Local 757 spends the dues of it's (FY 2008) 4345 members If I were a member of local 757 and had a June election, I might ask some questions before I voted. For example:

Please explain the Detailed Summary Page:

1. Named Payer Itemized Receipts$0
2. Named Payer Non-itemized Receipts$6,381
3. All Other Receipts$5,967
4. Total Receipts$12,348
1. Named Payee Itemized Disbursements$0
2. Named Payee Non-itemized Disbursements$0
3. To Officers$21,034
4. To Employees$92,290
5. All Other Disbursements$12,580
6. Total Disbursements$125,904
1. Named Payee Itemized Disbursements$23,338
2. Named Payee Non-itemized Disbursements$44,142
3. To Officers$195,205
4. To Employees$199,795
5. All Other Disbursements$59,430
6. Total Disbursements$521,910
1. Named Payee Itemized Disbursements$16,668
2. Named Payee Non-itemized Disbursements$132,192
3. To Officers$71,062
4. To Employees$12,653
5. All Other Disbursements$78,655
6. Total Disbursements$311,230
1. Named Payee Itemized Disbursements$37,596
2. Named Payee Non-itemized Disbursements$29,927
3. To Officers$19,642
4. To Employees$12,653
5. All Other Disbursements$3,253
6. Total Disbursements$103,071
1. Named Payee Itemized Disbursements$0
2. Named Payee Non-itemized Disbursements$18,785
3. To Officers$132,473
4. To Employees$27,963
5. All Other Disbursements$51,213
6. Total Disbursements$230,434
Form LM-

I think it great that Mr. Hunt and Mr. Schwartz are doing so well ($101,059 - $95,284) but I think I 'd have to question $145,581 to keep an attorney and legal assistant on the employee payroll. Are there benefits that go with the jobs? I also wouldn't understand why, with an attorney employee, it was necessary to spend $42,423 for outside counsel.

$8,314 to fly, $8,643 to Bally's Las Vegas and $5,598 to the Hilton?

I might also ask the International if it conforms to the Constitution to have Bank of America credit cards with a balance of $11,214 at the end of the FY.

Dawg agrees with me.

RTD boss Marsella resigning after a sometimes bumpy ride

Take a day off and you miss it! Good luck Cal. Good luck RTD Board of Directors. Good luck MV Transportation.

"Marsella's announcement Tuesday that he will step down July 31 to join MV Transportation Inc., a California company that provides private transit services to public entities, raises huge challenges for the Regional Transportation District's board of directors."

Wednesday, April 29, 2009


To steal from and butcher Mark Twain:

"News of a economic recovery seems to be greatly exaggerated"

Read the Reuters story by clicking on the title.

For the really "good" news you ought to pay a visit to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Just looking at the Denver Metro area from October, 2008 through February, 2009:

  • Civilian labor force shrunk by 9.8%
  • Unemployment up from 5.3% to 7.9%
  • CPI up 4.9%
My unemployment rate 100%. Prices up, income down. Should we be worried yet?

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

The Dawg Sez

The Dawg sez he's glad he looked at the Tri-Cities ATU Local 1599. He told me it looks like a real nice place and if everyone ran their local the way you folks seem to, he could rest every once in a while. Kudo's to Tri-City Local 1599.

There are 4 other ATU LU's in Washington but they all seem to represent public employees only and are not required to file any type of disclosure forms. Why is that? Must be that public employees are inherently more honest than private sector employees so no watching is necessary. Or could it have to do with who got which donations?

The Dawg sez on to Oregon tomorrow.

National Right To Work Legal Defense Foundation

Click on the title to read the post on the lawsuit filed on behalf of a worker who was never told he had the right pay for only the union services he received and not a penny for the BS the unions want you to support!

It's like beating a dead horse but until the union leadership finally realizes that the members are the union and that the officers are only temporary employees, I'm going to keep flogging away.

ATU Local 1001 donated $20,000 to Protect Colorado's Future (PCF) prior to the 2008 elections. I oppose most everything  PCF supported (and vice-versa) and didn't want my money going to them. Every member I talk to is incredulous and tell me they knew nothing about the donation.

When are you going to get it?

ATU Local 587 - Seattle, Washington

Did you know that LU's are prohibited from issuing credit cards to the officers by the ATU International Constitution? In fact, Mr. Oscar Owens, ATU International Secretary-Treasurer issued a statement on the International website a while back and said don't do it.

From the Constitution:

13.5 Handling of Funds. All funds of L.U.s
shall be deposited in a bank or banks, selected
by L.U.s; the funds to be deposited in the name
of the Union, to be drawn out upon drafts signed
jointly by two (2) or more officers of the respective
L.U., one of whom must be the F.S.

Seems pretty simple to me.

ATU Local 1384 - Olympia, Washington

The Dawg sez if the members are happy, he's happy.

ATU 1576 - Lynnwood, Washington

If it smells like a skunk, it's most likely is a skunk!

Greetings to all the ATU Local 1576 Sisters and Brothers out in Lynnwood, Washington. 

I don't have me one of them fancy accounting educatins but the Dawg woofed at your local and don't understand. Perhaps someone smarter than me can xplain it so I can tell the Dawg not to worry.

                                                       Gross Salary     Disbursement
Name                        Position        Disbursement  Official Business   Total 

Kathleen Custer      President      $6,000              $70,828                 $76,828
Rick Jurkovic           VP                  $6,216              $30,030                 $36,246
Patricia Ceis             Sec/Treas     $6,000              $67,970                 $73,970
Course, they don't have no lawyer on the payroll so that saves a little money!

How do I get a job that pays $6,000 in salary and another $70K in expenses?


Food For Thought

About the ATU

The Amalgamated Transit Union is the largest labor organization representing transit workers in the United States and Canada. Founded in 1892, the ATU today is comprised of over 185,000 members in 267 local unions spread across 46 states and nine provinces. Composed of bus drivers, light rail operators, maintenance and clerical personnel and other transit and municipal employees, the ATU works to promote transit issues and fights for the interests of its hard-working members.

ATU Website 

Help me with some math here. If there were 267 locals and officers in four of them (3 convictions and 1 indictment) were in legal trouble with DOL in 2008, isn't that about 1.5%?

So, 98.5% were not in trouble. Do we clap or boo?

4 is still too many - clean up your act!

Jumpin' Joe Nacchio

From yesterdays Denver Post:

"Former Qwest chief executive Joe Nacchio has a new ally: the U.S. Chamber of Commerce."

"The National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers and the Washington Legal Foundation also have filed briefs in support of Nacchio's petition."

Crooks belong in jail. Seems pretty simple to me

Monday, April 27, 2009

My Thoughts On The Interesting Visitor

I swear on everything that's Holy, I have not contacted Department of Labor, Employment Standards Administration and that as far as I can tell, someone from ESA landed on that page using Google with the search terms "LM-2", "26 April, 2009" and "Right To Work".

My own plan is to go the civil route, ask the Local, ask the International and if I don't get the information I want in four months, file a federal lawsuit; perhaps Pro se or with the help of someone like the National Right To Work Legal Defense Foundation (great people by the way).

It's ironic, I was working on a post giving kudo's for the great job rooting out union corruption that DOL did in 2008. It's a lengthy but very interesting (to me at least) post. I didn't know there were that many crooks left. Must be like the old Mole arcade game, bash one and another rears it's ugly head.

As Leroy Jethro Gibbs (TV show NCIS) likes to say "I don't believe in coincidence" but who knows, perhaps it was just someone who was bored. Could be someone local who got interested and didn't want to wait another 3 months. I have no idea but I think it's an interesting development.


Had an interesting visitor to the blog this morning:

magnify this user U.s. Department Of Labor/employment Standards Admi (xxx.xxx.xxx.x) [Label IP Address]

United States Rockville, Maryland, United States, 0 returning visits

27th April 200909:39:21Page Viewwww.google.com/search?hl=en&q=%22LM-2%22 %26 April 2009 %26 %22right to work%22&btnG=Search

Perhaps I was Happier Back Then

In my last previous life (bout a year ago when I was still driving a bus), I'd sometimes realize that I didn't have a cold one at home for after I got off work. Off at 11:30PM....do you realize how difficult it is to find a liquor store that stays open till midnight on a weekday. Fortunately, there is a place in Lafayette and if I drove like a bat out of hell, I could make it. Ah, the good ole days when finding a beer was my biggest worry!

I'm starting to understand why AARP is so effective - never piss off the old people! It may be simpler to go through life with your butt in the air and head in the sand but at a certain point, most everyone will decide enough is enough and act, the oldsters more quickly than some.

I never belonged to a union before and always had a "live and let live" attitude. I had to wonder at union actions sometimes such as when the copper miners cut their own throats down in Arizona back in the 80's. Still, it didn't affect me so why worry?

Now that I'm starting to take a look at unions in general, I'm appalled that the corruption seems to be so wide spread.  Why is it that union officers and employees seem to look at union coffers as their own little income supplement in so many cases?

In my opinion, Secretary Chao and the rest of the DOL employees did a fantastic job in 2008. Here's hoping that Secretary Solis carries on the tradition. Turn the light on the cock-a-roaches and watch the little suckers scramble.

DOL certainly had a busy 2008 and they like to brag about their good work. I'll list the highlights and you can click on the title of this post for the details. I wonder if Department of Labor is hiring; they seem to have a lot of business. Warning, it's a fairly lengthy read:

ATU's own had a few problems:

March 7, 2008 - Our very own former Treasurer William J. Kohut of ATU Local 1755 pled guilty to a felony charge of forgery.  

April 23, 2008 - Former President Bobby Earl Williams of ATU Local 1635 and his wife Janice Muriel Williams (jeeez - perhaps the family that PREYS together stays together) were each indicted on one count of forgery.

June 26, 2008 - Former President Salvatore Battaglia of ATU Local 1181 sentenced for racketeering.

May 13, 2008 (related, these were some bad-ass dudes) New York City School Bus Inspectors Neil Cremin, George Ortiz (retired), Milton Smith and Ira Sokol, were arrested following indictments for conspiracy to accept bribes, extortion, and bribery in a program that receives federal funds.  On May 13, 2008 the four inspectors were arrested and entered pleas of not guilty. The charges follow a joint investigation of Amalgamated Transit Union Local 1181 (the primary union that represents drivers and escorts for school bus companies in New York City) by the OLMS New York District Office, the FBI, and the Department of Labor's Office of the Inspector General.

December 30, 2008 - Former President Luther L. Corey  of  ATU Local 1197 sentenced for embezzlement.

ATU, however, deserves no special recognition:
  1. January 7, 2008 - Former President Glenroy Richards of AFGE Local 2440 was charged with grand larceny in the third degree.
  2. January 8, 2008 - Former Secretary-Treasurer Kathleen Drake  of Machinists Local 2339-C, plead guilty to one count of falsification of union records. She pled guilty.
  3. January 8, 2008 - Former Financial Secretary and Treasurer Kurt Swanstrom,  of PACE/USW Local 5-1560 was indicted on one count of embezzling union funds.
  4. January 9, 2008 - a failure to maintain records investigation conducted by the OLMS New Orleans District Office resulted in the subject entering into a Pre-Trial Diversion Agreement with the United States District Court for the Middle District of Louisiana. Under the terms of the Pre-Trial Diversion Agreement, the subject must make full restitution to the union, and not hold any union office during the duration of the agreement. Due to the confidential nature of the Pre-Trial Diversion program, details that could identify the subject are not public information.
  5. January 9, 2008 - Former President Graham Paul Vane  of the National Association of Letter Carriers Branch 1280, plead guilty to one count of embezzling over $170,000 in union funds, and four counts of making false statements to a government agency. Pled guilty.
  6. January 11, 2008 - Former President Charyle Emel of American Postal Workers Local 2013 was sentenced for falsifying union financial records.
  7. January 14, 2008 - Former President Terry Howell of Steelworkers Local 8-505 was sentenced for embezzlement.
  8. January 15, 2008 - Former President and acting Treasurer Kim M. Van Handel of Steelworkers Local 1980 was indicted on one count of embezzling union funds.
  9. January 16, 2008 - Former Vice President Fredrick W. Jones of Glass, Molders, and Plastic Union Local 285 charged with embezzling union funds. 
  10. January 16, 2008 - Former President James Eric Kay of Boilermakers Local Lodge 523 was indicted on 43 counts of embezzlement.
  11. January 16, 2008 - President Clarence Morgan of Steelworkers Local 2948 was indicted embezzlement of union funds.
  12. January 18, 2008 - Former Treasurer Michael Rutowski of AFGE Local 2913 plead guilty to making a false and fraudulent representation to a federal agency. 
  13. January 19, 2008 - Former President Jamie Solis of Steelworkers Local 594 was charged with theft of union funds. 
  14. January 23, 2008 Former President  Timothy C. Ferrucci of Northeast Emergency Services Union was sentenced for filing false reports.
  15. January 29, 2008 - Former Vice President and Secretary-Treasurer Kristen Swint, of Machinists Local 2339-C was charged with falsifying union records. Pled guilty.
  16. January 29, 2008 - An embezzlement of union funds investigation conducted by the OLMS Seattle District Office resulted in the subject entering into a Pre-Trial Diversion Agreement with the United States District Court for the District of Idaho. Due to the confidential nature of the Pre-Trial Diversion program, details that could identify the subject are not public information. 
  17. January 29, 2008 - Former Treasurer Brad Harper of AFGE Local 1629 for making materially false statements on the local’s annual financial report. 
  18. January 30, 2008 - Former Treasurer William Sargent of AFGE Local 704 was indicted for mail fraud. 
  19. January 30, 2008 - Former employee  Timothy A. Wilson of the Stage and Picture Operators Local 271 was sentenced for forgery. 
  20. February 4, 2008 - Former Secretary-Treasurer John Sigafus of Machinists Local W-335 pled no contest to theft of union funds
  21. February 4, 2008 - Former President Pauline M. Gibson of the Drivers, Warehousemen, Maintenance and Allied Workers of America, Local 1, was charged with making a false statement and representation of a material fact.
  22. February 6, 2008 -  Former Secretary-Treasurer Chad Mowery of BLE Division 282 was charged with embezzling union funds. He pled guilty.
  23. February 6, 2008 - Former President Francis Pagan of Boilermakers Local Lodge 3M was charged with embezzling union funds. 
  24. February 6, 2008 - Former Secretary-Treasurer Denise Nichols of CWA Local 4050 was sentenced for embezzling union funds.
  25. February 7, 2008 -  Former President Brian Dolney of Machinists Lodge 2333 was charged with one count of bank fraud. 
  26. February 7, 2008 - Former Secretary-Treasurer Bridgett Cardall Hooks of Postal Workers Local 332 pled guilty to one count of embezzling union funds.
  27. February 8, 2008 - Former President Carolyn M. Wallace of Steelworkers Local 02-356 pled guilty to embezzling union funds.
  28. February 8, 2008 - Former Secretary-Treasurer  Betty Illig of Graphic Communications Workers Local 638-S and the Tri-State District Joint Council pled guilty to embezzling union funds and submitting false Form LM-3 reports. Pled Guilty.
  29. February 13, 2008 - Former Secretary-Treasurer Carson Combs of Machinists Local Lodge 1771 was found guilty of theft. 
  30. February 14, 2008 - Former Secretary-Treasurer Randy Greear of Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers Local 37 was sentenced for embezzling union funds.
  31. February 19, 2008 - Former Secretary-Treasurer Martin Hayes of Steelworkers Local 1671 pled guilty to one count of embezzling money from a labor organization. 
  32. February 19, 2008 -  An embezzlement investigation conducted by the OLMS Dallas District Office resulted in the subject entering into a Pre-Trial Diversion Agreement.  Under the terms of the agreement, the subject agreed to make restitution. Due to the confidential nature of the Pre-Trial Diversion program, details that could identify the subject are not public information.
  33. February 22, 2008 - Former office secretary Paula Adair-Butts of Plasterers Local 577 was sentenced for embezzling union funds.
  34. February 22, 2008 - Former President Ronald Schweitzer of Steelworkers Local 1967 was sentenced for embezzling union funds.
  35. February 25, 2008 - Former President Curtis Smith of Glass Molders Plastics Local 325 was sentenced for embezzling union funds.  
  36. February 26, 2008 - Former Secretary-Treasurer Kyle Batts of Electrical Workers Local 738 was charged with embezzling union funds. Pled guilty.
  37. February 27, 2008 - Former President Pauline M. Gibson of the Drivers, Warehousemen, Maintenance and Allied Workers of America Local 1 pled guilty to making a false statement and misrepresentation of material fact.
  38. February 28, 2008 - Former assistant administrator Michelle Trinh, and her accomplice Tracy Howze,  of the Writers Guild of America-West Foreign Levies Fund, was charged with conspiracy to embezzle and embezzlement of union funds. Pled guilty.
  39. February 28, 2008 -  Former President William Drake of Steelworkers Local 1013T was sentenced for knowingly failing to disclose material facts on the local’s annual financial report for years 2001, 2002, and 2003. 
  40. February 29, 2008 - Former President Frances Pagan of Boilermakers Local Lodge 3M pled guilty to  embezzling union funds.
  41. February 29, 2008 - Former organizer  Kirk Ogden of Painters District 81 was charged with embezzling union funds.
  42. February 29 - Former Secretary-Treasurer Billy Chandler of NALC Branch 4065, was sentenced  for embezzling union funds. 
  43. March 4, 2008 - Former President Raul Castorena of AFGE Local 1749 was indicted for theft and misapplication of fiduciary property.
  44. March 4, 2008 - Former Secretary-Treasurer Steve Dobyns of Glass Molders Plastics Local 325 was sentenced for embezzling union funds.
  45. March 6, 2008 - Former Treasurer Brad DuBray of Carpenters Local 113 was sentenced for embezzling union funds.
  46. March 6, 2008, in the United States District Court for the Northern District of Illinois, Robert Walston and Thaddeus Bania, former President and Comptroller, respectively, of Teamsters Local 743 were indicted as part of a 14-count superseding criminal complaint alleging conspiracy, mail fraud, theft of honest services, and embezzlement of union funds arising from multiple schemes involving the local’s voided October 2004 regular election of officers and a rerun election that was held in December 2004.  This indictment supersedes the indictment issued by the grand jury on September 6, 2007 and includes three original defendants who were either officers, agents, or employees of Local 743: Richard Lopez, who was an incumbent candidate for Recording Secretary in 2004 and who also briefly held the position of president after Walston; Cassandra Mosley, a former business agent who resigned in December 2006; and David Rodriguez a former organizer who resigned in July 2007.  The superseding information includes a forfeiture allegation of over $2 million dollars in salary, expenses, and benefits. A superseding misdemeanor information was also filed against Mark Jones, a former business agent and director of organizing for the local, involving allegations of opening mail not directed to him relating to the voided mail-ballot election in October 2004.  The indictments follow an investigation by the OLMS Chicago District Office, the Department of Labor’s Office of Inspector General, and the United States Postal Inspection Service.
  47. March 10, 2008 -  Former President Darren Johnson of National Treasury Employees Union Chapter 78 was sentenced for bank robbery and incidental crimes. 
  48. March 12, 2008 - Former Treasurer William Day  of Steelworkers Local 1-1462 was charged with  embezzlement of union funds.
  49. March 14, 2008 - Former Financial Secretary Deborah Anthony of Steelworkers Local 1196 pled guilty to embezzling union funds. Pled guilty.
  50. March 17, 2008 - Former Manager of General Services Zona Albritton of AFSCME was charged with embezzling union funds. She pled guilty.
  51. March 18, 2008 - Former Business Manager and Financial-Secretary Joseph Capece of IBEW Local Union 163 was sentenced for embezzling union funds.
  52. March 19, 2008 - Former Bargaining Committee Chairperson Norman K. Brown  of UAW Local 2911 pled guilty to embezzling union funds. Pled Guilty.
  53. March 19, 2008 - Former Treasurer Karimah Bailey of AFGE Local 3197 was charged with making a false statement and representation of a material factl
  54. March 31, 2008 - Former Financial Secretary and Treasurer Kurt E. Swanstrom of PACE/USW Local 5-1560 pled guilty to embezzling union funds, falsification of union records and filing a false financial report. Pled guilty.
  55. April 1, 2008 - Former Treasurer Michelle A. Meek  of AFGE Local 3435 pled guilty to  theft within the special maritime and territorial jurisdiction of the United States. Pled guilty.
  56. April 3, 2008 - Former office secretary Louella M. Zieman  of Ironworkers Local 709  was indicted on one count of embezzling union funds. 
  57. April 4, 2008 - Former President Darrell Pendergrass of International Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employees Local 699 was charged with embezzling union funds and willfully evading the payment of taxes. Pendergrass pled guilty.
  58. April 4, 2008 - Former Treasurer Karimah Bailey  of AFGE Local 3197 pled guilty to embezzling union funds and making a false statement and misrepresentation of a material fact. Pled Guilty.
  59. April 7, 2008 - Former bookkeeper Heather Lott  of Teamsters Local 19 pled guilty to one count of embezzling union funds. Pled guilty.
  60. April 7, 2008 - Former Secretary-Treasurer Amy Cross of Utility Workers Local 308 was charged with embezzling union funds. She pled guilty.
  61. April 9, 2008 - Former office secretary Linda Leonard of Laborers Local 216  was sentenced for making false entries in union records.  
  62. April 9, 2008 - Former President Gary Smink of Steelworkers Local 1-962 was indicted for one  theft totaling $770.  He pled guilty. (Gary, what happened man - you need beer money?)
  63. April 14, 2008 - Former President Brian Dolney  of Machinists Lodge 2333 pled guilty to  bank fraud. He pled guilty.
  64. April 14, 2008 - Former Vice President Fredrick W. Jones of Glass Molders and Plastics Union Local 285 was sentenced for embezzlement of union funds.
  65. April 16, 2008 - Former office secretary Sheila Rushing of Bakery, Tobacco & Grain Local 482 was indicted for embezzling union assets and destruction of union records and making false entries in required union records. 
  66. April 16, 2008 - Former President and Acting Treasurer Kim M. Van Handel of Steelworkers Local 1980  pled guilty to embezzling union funds.
  67. April 21, 2008 -  Former Financial-Secretary Stephen Priest of UAW Local 516 was sentenced for embezzling union funds.
  68. April 24, 2008 - Former Treasurer Richard J. Vincent  of AFGE Local 3951  was charged with embezzling union funds.
  69. April 29, 2008 - Former Financial Secretary Kathleen Kordish  of Steelworkers Local 9349 was charged withtheft of funds by false representation.
  70. April 29, 2008 - Former office manager Mary Hartsock of Laborers Local 1358 was sentenced for embezzling union funds.
  71. April 30, 2008 - Former Treasurer Sandra Gorman of AFSCME Local 11's ODOT Assembly was sentenced for falsification of union records.
  72. May 6, 2008 - Former Secretary-Treasurer John Mullenix of APWU Local 441 was indicted for embezzlement of union funds. 
  73. May 6, 2008 - Former director Donald B. Dawson of the National Electrical Contractors  Association (NECA) and the Alliance of Professional Specialty Contractors (APSC) was charged with one count of  bank fraud as a result of his embezzlement of $95,721.56 of APSC funds.
  74. May 9, 2008 - Former employee Kathy Thompson of  Teamsters Local 325 was sentenced for embezzling union funds.
  75. May 12, 2008 - Former Financial-Secretary Barbara Dodson of Boilermakers Local 100 pled guilty to six counts of forgery in the first degree and one count of theft-by-taking of union funds in the amount of $1,400. (Barb, I'm disappointed! Only $1400 bucks)
  76. May 14, 2008 - Former Secretary-Treasurer Rhonda Holmes of Laborers Local 481 was indicted for theft.
  77. May 16, 2008 - Former Secretary-Treasurer Bridgett Cardall Hooks of Postal Workers  Local 332 was sentenced for embezzling union funds.
  78. June 3, 2008 - Kathleene L. Bigham, the spouse of former Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees Local 779 Secretary-Treasurer Alfred Bigham, was charged with theft of union funds and forgery. (More family fun)
  79. June 9, 2008 - Former President Donna Hammock of National Federation of Federal Employees (NFFE) Local 2096 was sentenced for providing false statements on the local’s annual Form LM-3. (Darn them pesky disclosure forms)
  80. June 10, 2008 - Former Treasurer Roxanne Eye  of Office and Professional Employees Local 339 was indicted on one count of embezzling union funds.
  81. June 16, 2008 - Former office manager Trace L. Reynolds of IBEW Local 354  was convicted of falsification of an annual financial report filed by a labor union. 
  82. June 16, 2008 - John Dabronzo, former Business Agent/Joint Apprenticeship and Training Committee (JATC) Administrator of Asbestos Workers Local 89 pled guilty to two counts of embezzlement of union funds. Between January 2000 and May 2007, Dabronzo embezzled funds in the amount of $433,308.47 from Local 89, and $396,454.73 from the JATC. 
  83. June 23, 2008 - Former President June Wilkins of AFSCME Local 625 was sentenced for third degree grand larceny. 
  84. June 25, 2008 - Former office secretary Lea Ann Newton of Painters Local 807  pled guilty to  falsification of union records.
  85. June 26, 2008 - Former Manager of General Services Zona Albritton for AFSCME  was sentenced for embezzling union funds.
  86. June 27, 2008 - Former Secretary-Treasurer Betty Wing  of Steelworkers (formerly PACE) Local 1077  pled guilty to embezzling union funds.
  87. July 3, 2008 - Former Financial Secretary/Business Agent Michael Jens of Bakers Local 50-G was charged with  theft by deception .
  88. July 7, 2008 - Former President Curtis Pittinger of IBEW Local 2043, was sentenced for theft of union funds.
  89. July 7, 2008 -  Former President Glenroy Richards of AFGE Local 2440 pled guilty to grand larceny in the third degree. 
  90. July 8, 2008 - Former President David Denman of the National Association of Letter Carriers (NALC) Branch 272 pled guilty to embezzling union funds. 
  91. July 9, 2008 - Former Treasurer Grace Gaines of American Federation of Teachers (AFT) Local 4973 was charged with forty-three individual counts of embezzling union funds. 
  92. July 17, 2008 - Former Secretary-Treasurer Tina Curtis of  APWU Local 232 for embezzling union funds.
  93. July 23, 2008 - Former Business Manager Steven Thomas of Laborers Local 500 was indicted for embezzling union fundse amount.
  94. July 28, 2008 - Former office manager Krista Yeatts of Machinists Lodge 2444  was indicted for embezzling union funds.
  95. August 1, 2008 - Former secretary Roberta Dauch,  of  North Central Ohio Building and Construction Trades Council was charged with embezzling union funds. Pled guilty.
  96. August 4, 2008 - Esau Faaitiiti and Arthur Clark, former President and Vice President, respectively, of Fraternal Order of Police Lodge 12 were sentenced for making false statements. 
  97. August 6, 2008 - Former office secretary Anne O’Rourke of  Roofers Local 37 was charged with  embezzling union funds.
  98. August 6, 2008 - President Jose Luis Caraballo of  Obreros Unidos del Sur de PR IND NHQ (located in Salinas, P.R.), was indicted on two counts of embezzling union funds. 
  99. August 7, 2008 - Former Treasurer Edna Latimore of AFGE Local 900 was charged with one count of making false statements on the local’s Form LM-3. Pled guilty.
  100. August 7, 2008  - Former President James E. Kay of Boilermakers Local Lodge 523  was sentenced for embezzling union funds. 
  101. August 8, 2008 - Former bookkeeper Rosa Miriam Della Porta of International Longshore and Warehouse Union (ILWU) Local 26  was indicted for embezzling union funds.
  102. August 12, 2008 - Former Treasurer Roxanne Eye  of Office and Professional Employees Local 339  pled guilty to embezzling union funds. 
  103. August 12, 2008 - Former Secretary-Treasurer Michael R. Rhoades of CWA Local 88667 was charged with embezzling union funds. 
  104. August 13, 2008 - Former President Jamie Solis of Steelworkers Local 594 pled guilty to theft of union funds. 
  105. August 14, 2008 - Former Secretary-Treasurer Amy Cross of Utility Workers Local 308 was sentenced for embezzling union funds.
  106. August 14, 2008 - President Michael West of CWA Local 84845 was charged with conversion.
  107. August 19, 2008 Former President Kenneth Saltz, Jr. of Steelworkers Local 1124 was indicted for embezzling union funds and making false entries in union records. Pled guilty.
  108. August 20, 2008 - Former bookkeeper/office secretary Rebecca Montgomery of Machinist Eastern Regional Office was indicted on one count of embezzling union funds in the amount of $508.92. (Beca, Beca, Beca. Sigh - 500 bucks?)
  109. August 20, 2008 - Former President Willie Chambers of International Guards Union of America Local 124  pled guilty to embezzling union funds
  110. August 22, 2008 - Former Executive Vice President Randy Sanders of Steelworkers Local 20 pled guilty to embezzling union funds. Pled guilty.
  111. August 26, 2008 - Former scretary Donna J. Simpson of Steelworkers District 10 was indicted on one count of embezzling union funds.
  112. September 10, 2008 - Former Secretary-Treasurer Joseph Michael Johnson of Boilermakers Union Lodge 687  was indicted for embezzling union funds.
  113. September 11, 2008 - Former Secretary-Treasurer Michael A. Pingitore of the Delaware Rural Letter Carriers Association for embezzling union funds
  114. September 12, 2008 -Former part-time office secretary Sheila Wright Rushing of the Bakery, Confectionary, Tobacco Workers, and Grain Millers International (BCTGMI) Local 482 was sentenced for embezzling union funds.
  115. September 12, 2008 - Former Secretary-Treasurer Michael LaPorte of Steelworkers Local 430  was charged with embezzlement.
  116. September 15, 2008 - Former Secretary Treasurer Keith H. Cook of United Transportation Union (UTU) Local 620 was convicted of embezzling union funds and  willfully making false entries on union checks. 
  117. September 15, 2008 - Secretary-Treasurer Louis Desisto of Local 1604  was charged with falsification of a record in a federal investigation. 
  118. September 15, 2008 -President Frank Rago of International Longshoremen’s Association (ILA) Local 1604 was indicted with failure to maintain records and making false entries in union and Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA) records. 
  119. September 16, 2008 -  Former Secretary-Treasurer Charles Bohanon of Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers (BLE) Division 1 was charged with embezzling union funds.
  120. September 18, 2008 - Former President Jeanette McFarland of Glass Molders and Plastics Union Local 285 pled guilty to embezzling union funds. Pled guilty.
  121. September 23, 2008  - Former President Jeffrey Granberg of Bricklayer and Allied Craftworkers Local 7  was charged with one count of felony forgery and one count of theft.
  122. September 23, 2008 - Scott Gehringer and Alex Margaritis, former President and Secretary Treasurer, respectively, of IronWorkers Local 594 pled guilty to one count of embezzling union funds and one count of aiding and abetting in the embezzlement of union funds.
  123. September 26, 2008 - Former bookkeeper/office manager Teresa Cora Luna of IATSE Local 504 was charged with embezzling  union funds.
  124. September 29, 2008 -  Former information/financial manager Wendy Elaine Bentzen of the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees (AFSCME) State Council 72  pled guilty to bank fraud. 
  125. October 2, 2008 - Former Recording Secretary Thomas Leonard of Laborers Local 500 pled guilty to embezzling union funds.
  126. On October 6, 2008 - Former Financial Secretary Donna Roles of Steelworkers Local 14310 pled guilty to embezzling union funds.
  127. October 7, 2008 - Former President Christopher Ethington of UAW Local 2926 was charged with  embezzling union funds.
  128. October 7, 2008 - Former Secretary-Treasurer Michael LaPorte of Steelworkers Local 430 was sentenced for embezzlement.
  129. October 7, 2008 - Former Financial Secretary-Treasurer Robert Bealefeld of the Glass Molders and Plastics Local 118 was indicted for theft
  130. October 8, 2008 - Former office secretary Louella M. Zieman of Ironworkers Local 709 was sentenced for embezzling union funds and making false entries in the union’s financial records. 
  131. October 9, 2008 - Former Treasurer Carol Bruno of AFSCME, Civil Service Employees Association Region 4 was indicted embezzling union funds. 
  132. October 14, 2008 - Former Secretary Treasurer Chad Mowery of Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers and Trainmen (BLET) Division 282 was sentenced for embezzling union funds. 
  133. October 16, 2008 - Former President Clarence Morgan of Steelworkers Local 2948,  pled guilty to filing a false Labor Organization Annual Report (LM-3) for the 2003 reporting year. 
  134. October 22, 2008 - Former Secretary-Treasurer Todd F. Novak of BLET Division 3 was charged with embezzlement.
  135. October 22, 2008 - Area Vice President Eugene Huss, of Steelworkers Local 20 pled guilty to  falsification of union records. 
  136. October 23, 2008 - Former Secretary Treasurer Michael St. John of Glass Molders Local 30 was indicted for embezzling union funds.
  137. On October 23 and 24, 2008, in the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, Lawrence Marable and Deborah Powell, former President and Treasurer, respectively, of AFGE Local 1793,  were sentenced on a seven count indictment that included one count of conspiracy, five counts of theft of property in a special territorial jurisdiction of the United States  and one count of making false statements. 
  138. October 24, 2008 -  Former Treasurer Grace Gaines of American Federation of Teachers (AFT) Local 4973  pled guilty to embezzling union funds.
  139. October 27, 2008 - Former Treasurer Louise Johnson of AFGE Local 2152 pled guilty to theft of union funds at a place within the special maritime and territorial jurisdiction of the United States.
  140. October 30, 2008 - Former President Bradley Steinruck of Steelworkers Local 828 (located in Geneva, N.Y.), was charged with grand larceny
  141. November 6, 2008 - Former Secretary-Treasurer Kevin Sherlock of NALC Branch 272  pled guilty to embezzling union funds. 
  142. November 13, 2008 - Former delegate Kenneth Wallace of Utility Workers Union of America (UWUA) Local 600 was indicted for embezzling union funds
  143. November 13, 2008  - Former Secretary Treasurer Willie Harris of AFGE Local 2823 was indicted for theft , misuse of a credit card and unauthorized access to a computer. 
  144. November 17, 2008 -Former Secretary-Treasurer Tina Curtis of APWU Local 232  pled guilty to embezzling union funds. 
  145. November 17, 2008 - Former co-chairman of the Picket Committee Jeffrey Baker for Machinists Local Lodge 1943 was charged with one count of making a false entry in a union record when he misappropriated approximately 107 strike pay checks and forged members’ signatures on check registers for 101 checks. (How low can you get?)
  146. November 18, 2008 - Former Secretary-Treasurer Glen Gard of Machinists Local 2460 was indicted for embezzling union funds.
  147. November 19, 2008 - Former Financial Secretary-Treasurer Tarris D. Dallas of United Steelworker’s Local 9-415 was indicted for embezzling union funds. 
  148. November 20, 2008 - Former Treasurer William Sargent of AFGE Local 704 pled guilty to one count of theft of property in a special territorial jurisdiction of the United States in the amount of $800.  (Willie, man, I ashamed of you!)
  149. November 24, 2008 - Former President Kevin McGee of AFGE Local 3028 was charged with one knowingly making a false material representation in a report required to be filed with the Department of Labor. 
  150. November 25, 2008 - Mary Schaeuble, Chair of the Insurance Committee of Steelworkers Local 20  pled guilty to embezzling union funds in the amount of $730.94. (Sigh)
  151. November 26, 2008 - Former Financial Secretary Kathleen Kordish of Steelworkers Local 9349 pled guilty to felony theft by false representation. 
  152. December 1, 2008 - Former Secretary-Treasurer Kenneth L. Holman of Retail, Wholesale Department Store Union (RWDSU) Local 665 was charged with making a false statement or misrepresentation of a material fact on the local’s 2003 and 2004 annual financial reports. 
  153. December 1, 2008 - Former clerk Diane Martin of Teamsters Local 206 was charged with  embezzling union funds.
  154. December 3, 2008 - Former President Fidel R. Garza of AFGE Local 2063 was indicted on fifty-eight counts each of wire fraud and deprivation of honest services associated with defrauding the local.
  155. December 4, 2008 - Former Financial Secretary-Treasurer William Thomas Brown of IBEW Local 886 was charged with one felony count of theft. 
  156. December 5, 2008 - Former President Gary Weightman of APWU Local 190 pled guilty to two counts of tax evasion. Weightman was originally charged with conspiracy to embezzle union funds in the amount of approximately $400,000.
  157. December 11, 2008 - Former Treasurer James Decker of Independent Soft Drink Workers Union was charged with embezzling union funds.  
  158. December 11, 2008 - Former Treasurer Peter Rhein of Local 3845  was indicted on six counts of embezzling union funds and eight counts of making a false statement. 
  159. December 16, 2008 - Former Office Manager Sarah Crafts of Texas Building and Construction Trades Council  was charged with conspiracy and embezzling union funds.
  160. December 16, 2008 - Former President Kenneth Saltz, Jr. of the Steelworkers Local 1124  was sentenced for embezzling union funds.
  161. December 17, 2008 - Former President Thomas Daniels of APWU 1091 was charged with grand larceny in the third degree.  
  162. December 17, 2008, - Former Treasurer Jack Hooks of AFSCME Local 11, Chapter 7010 was indicted for embezzlement and falsifying union records.  
  163. December 17, 2008 - OLMS entered into a voluntary compliance agreement with National Postal Mail Handlers Union Local 308 concerning the election of officers conducted on February 16, 2008.  The union agreed to conduct new nominations and a new election, under OLMS supervision, for the offices of Branch President-Philadelphia Bulk Mail Center and Pennsylvania State Executive Board Member.  The OLMS investigation of the challenged election disclosed that the union improperly applied a candidate eligibility requirement, which denied a member in good standing the right to be a candidate.  The agreement follows an investigation by the OLMS Philadelphia District Office. 
  164. December 19, 2008 - Former Secretary-Treasurer Linda Peterson of APWU Branch 715 was sentenced for embezzling public money and embezzlement of assets. 
  165. December 22, 2008 - Former Executive Secretary-Treasurer Danny Tilley of the Texas Building and Construction Trades Council was indicted for embezzling union fund. 
  166. December 23, 2008 - Former Business Agent/Secretary-Treasurer Michael Pagano of Roofers, Local 74  pled guilty to falsifying and destroying union records. 

Saturday, April 25, 2009

SF weekly.com (there are still a few who just don't get it)

East Bay Laborer Alleges Union Corruption in Federal Lawsuit

A complaint arrives

As journalists, we hate to admit it, but San Francisco isn't exactly a hotbed of political-corruption scandals. (Local political observers say there are a few reasons for this silver lining, which is amply clouded by the city's general dysfunction and ideology-driven policy blunders.) Our most recent poster boy of malfeasant politicians, former supervisor Ed Jew, was busted for the relatively venal sin of lying about where he lived on campaign forms (and shaking down those tapioca joints...).

The East Bay is a different story. From Oakland Police Sgt. Derwin Longmire, thebuddy of accused criminal and Your Black Muslim Bakery leader Yusuf Bey IV, to former State Sen. Don Perata -- recognizable by the coterie of FBI agents that trail him as part of a federal probe -- there's no shortage of public officials over the bridge suspected of dirty dealings. Now it appears that a quasi-public body of some prominence -- Local 304 of the Laborers International Union, which represents construction workers and has offices in Oakland, Hayward, and Livermore -- is also going to be under scrutiny.

That's because Hayward resident Jose Lechuga is suing the union in San Francisco's federal courthouse, alleging that work was doled out unevenly among members based on a system of "accepting bribes or kickbacks." The details of this scenario aren't clear in court documents, which assert that Lechuga collected more than 100 signatures from other Local 304 members on a petition for an investigation of the union's activities. The lawsuit was filed earlier this week.

There's no saying yet whether there's truth to Lechuga's allegations. But it certainly wouldn't be the first time that the coastal plain across the Bay proved a good place to be on the take. Check out the lawsuit here.

Photo by watchsmart.

Union Salaries

I have no problem with ball players, movie stars, CEO's or anyone else making a lot of money, as long as they earn it! The folks who pay the bills get to make that decision. If a team wants to pay a player $110 million over 7 years or a studio wants to pay the star of a picture $30 million for 3 or 4 months work so be it. I can always vote with my dollar by not going to games or the movies.

I couldn't vote with my dollar when it came to paying dues. Colorado allows "pay to play" and the law ought to be changed to create a "right to work". Perhaps in the next general election, we'll see. Accepting things as they are, there are in effect "closed shops" and any time there's a union involved, there will be a "union protection clause" in the Collective Bargaining Agreement. Under the current Colorado laws, the employer must collect union dues or terminate the employee.

No problem, them's the rules and I'll follow them as everyone else does. I know I sure as hell earned every penny of my $11.67 an hour while I was driving a bus but I now ask must ask myself, "What do union officers do to earn a lot more than I was making?"

In fairness, I used Union Watch Dawg (long before I called it that) to compare a number of other unions and the ATU Local 1001 officers are not making a lot more, and sometimes less, than they would in the same position in another union. By that standard, there's likely nothing unusual going on here.

I don't have a problem with an officer being payed for 260 hours a month or 220 hours a month or 203.5 hours a month or 25 hours per month, all at the top rate of their occupational group. But folks, they need to earn their money!

What takes 260 hours a month (3120 hours a year)? I have no idea what Holman Carter does, I've never talked to him or even laid eyes on him. I was a member of the local for 17 months after we joined and I'd have thought that he could have found an afternoon or so to "meet the troops". My own fault I suppose, I should have taken the time to get involved. I really didn't need the sleep that much, what with only driving a bus 60 hours a week.

I know that Mr. Rivera from time-to-time posts on facebook during the day. Public knowledge. But then, he only gets paid for 220 a month and I'm sure he spends much more time than that attending to union business; he does need a break every once in a while.

Are the members getting what they pay for?

Owens-Corning, RTD and Don Quixote's Quest

I follow the RTD Watch blog and I'd like to thank Mr. Trujillo for his post on the Denver Post articles regarding RTD's proposed 'preferred' maintenance site at the Qwens-Corning site. Good catch, Mr. Trujillo, the issue is too important to let pass.

I created this blog as a place where I could rant, poke fun at a few people, post the results of many hours of research into the laws protecting the American worker and hopefully get a few people to become socially and politically active. I understand how hard it is think about anyone else when you come home dead-tired and worried that your pay check will run  out before the month does. Been there, Done That!
I've decided that there many other issues effecting Colorado I'd like to comment on and I've created a Denver Post blog titled Don Quioxte's Quest where I'll also post from time to time. 

Friday, April 24, 2009

Watch Dawg

You'll notice the friendly looking dawg sitting atop the title to this blog and by clicking on it, you'll go to the Department Of Labor, Office Of  Labor-Management Standards 
(DOL OLMS) Public Disclosure Room where you can query for a number of interesting items such as LM-2's for a union required (private employee member unions with receipts over $250,000 per year) to file.

Union financial disclosure is mandated by the Labor-Management Reporting and Disclosure Act of 1959 as amended. LMRDA also provides a Union Member Bill of Rights. Please don't remain ignorant of your right as I did for the two years I was a member of ATU Local 1001. 

Edmund Burke's quote "All that is necessary for evil to succeed is that good men do nothing" is as true for unions as for any government.

To get started, click on the dawg and once the DOL page loads, find the drop-down box labeled 'Union Name' and select you union name. Type your local number in the box labeled 'Designation Number' and click submit.

Try it by selecting 'ATU-Transit Union AFL-CIO' and typing '1433' (Phoenix ATU but you can use 1001 if you'd like :-). Once the results set is returned click on the items for details. If you have a question, email me and I'll try to answer it or I'll ask someone who knows. Happy Hunting!

You can return to the blog by clicking the back arrow how ever many times are necessary.

A number of my links to a file host are broken. No idea why the host deleted my folders but I sent an email to support. I'll get them fixed ASAP.

Shingle workers worried by RTD plan

The Denver Post April 23th, 2009. Quotes from the story:

"This is the wrong location; this is the wrong time," said R.J. Fernandez, 38, a 17-year employee of Owens Corning, about the proposed rail maintenance center. "We need to look at finding a different location."

"If you put it somewhere else, we could actually gain 300 jobs," said Jackie Brinton, wife of a 27-year Owens Corning employee, in pleading with RTD to build the maintenance center in a location where factory jobs would not be lost. "We need manufacturing jobs so we have diversification of our economy."

"Please reconsider another site and not put at risk these two world-class facilities," added Daniel Frayre, who has worked at Owens Corning for 26 years. He now heads a nearby Owens Corning asphalt plant which supplies that material to the roof shingle production line.

Please click on the title for the complete story regarding RTD's plan to build a commuter rail maintenance facility and the related story that appears today. Since the "preferred" location is the current Owens Corning property near the Mouse Trap, the workers are naturally concerned about their jobs. I have my own ideas regarding the viability of commuter rail but the immediate concerns are the Owens Corning employees, suppliers and their families.

I certainly don't want to see RTD proceed with any plan that might endanger any part of what little manufacturing we have left in the U.S. I have no idea if the Owens Corning plant is a union shop but regardless, here's a chance for ATU Local 1001 to take a stance I'd support. Strange bedfellows and all that.

Thursday, April 23, 2009


故曰知彼知己 百戰不殆 不知彼而知己 勝負 不知彼 不知己 每戰必殆 故曰 知彼知己 百战不殆 不知彼而知己 胜负 不知彼 不知己 每战必殆
So it is said that if you know your enemies and know yourself, you will fight without danger in battles.
If you only know yourself, but not your opponent, you may win or may lose.
If you know neither yourself nor your enemy, you will always endanger yourself.
       Sun Tzu

Julio X Rivera "Never attribute to malice that which can be adequately explained by ignorance or stupidity"

Gee, I never had a job where I could post to facebook while I was supposed to be working! How do I get me one of them there jobs? I'm jealous.

For some unfathomable reason, the quote reminded me of a story I heard a while back. It seems that for a short period in 2007, ATU Local 1001 held a series of breakfast "get to know your union" meetings. 

The story I was told, and have no reason to doubt because I know the person to be quite truthful, is that Mr. Rivera hosted the meeting and opened with a statement along the lines of  I have $500,000 in the bank and if I don't hear what I want to hear, I'll take the money and leave the country.

I can accept it was meant as a joke but I'll say it wasn't funny and it was in extremely poor taste, particularly since ATU 1755 already had it's President under indictment (or perhaps already convicted) and ATU International Trustees running the local.