If I'm ever sued, this site will go up for sale for the amount of damages sought, along with posting any documents I receive. If you think you can copyright a letter you send to me, go for it.
I'm still learning about blog design and I've found a problem when viewing this blog. It does not behave properly in small browser windows and if your display resolution is less than 1280 pixels wide and/or you are viewing the blog in a window less than 980 pixels blog wide, the right side bar is pushed below any visible post. I've searched the web and looked at the code for hours but can't find the problem. My next step, when I get the time, is to recreate the blog with a new template. Advice is appreciated.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

What's Going On Now?

I had an appointment for some tests scheduled for tomorrow at Longmont United Hospital and much to my surprise, just found out I have no health insurance! It would appear that my last check was "lost" and that my COBRA insurance was "suspended" back in March. 

Can't anybody keep track of my checks?

It seems odd to me that the post office seems to get my checks to everyone else but checks I send to First Transit/First America for unimportant things like health insurance get lost. 

Ms. Mitchell-Robson sent me a letter in December, 2008, and wrongly told me I needed to send First Transit a check for about $550 to cover my health insurance while I was out on medical leave. I knew I didn't owe the money but I went ahead and sent the check rather than argue at the time because I figured I'd go back to work and get it straighten out. After I was fired, I was in contact with Ms. Amy Therien in Cincinatti and wanted my money back. It turns out that my check must have been sitting in Ms. Mitchell-Robson's desk and it was finally returned to me.

I don't know what relationship exist between First Transit/First Group and First America so I'll have to find out. The irony of it all is that due to the COBRA rate reduction in the stimulus package, I'm actually owed a premium refund at this time.

Have you ever met anyone this unlucky in your life? 

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