If I'm ever sued, this site will go up for sale for the amount of damages sought, along with posting any documents I receive. If you think you can copyright a letter you send to me, go for it.
I'm still learning about blog design and I've found a problem when viewing this blog. It does not behave properly in small browser windows and if your display resolution is less than 1280 pixels wide and/or you are viewing the blog in a window less than 980 pixels blog wide, the right side bar is pushed below any visible post. I've searched the web and looked at the code for hours but can't find the problem. My next step, when I get the time, is to recreate the blog with a new template. Advice is appreciated.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Now Might Be The Time

I have given a lot of  thought to what I'm doing and examined potential consequences of my actions as an intellectual exercise not because I actually think I'm violating anyone's rights. Perhaps now is an appropriate time to post my thoughts.

No one has the right to not be offended!

I'm a really curious person and I'm trying to understand the relationship between the First Amendment and concepts such as Tortious Interference or Intentional Interference With Contractual Relations. While I don't claim to be an expert, I've come to a couple of conclusions I'd like to share.

I'm not significant enough to have any undue influence on anyone's business, particularly when the majority of the business is with a government agency of some sort, the truth is always an affirmative defense and my actions are protected under the First Amendment. As with any intellectual exercise, comments are always welcome.

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